#FaithOverFear Fearless Leader Feature: Elizabeth Suggs, Throggs Neck Community Church

Faith Over Fear Fearless Leader Feature is a new blog series created by Fatima Mohamed, a leader with Faith in New York’s Faith Over Fear campaign and Writer with the Media, Messaging & Outreach Team. Stay tuned to our website every other week for a new profile of the leaders in the ground in NYC…

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Our Unjust Immigration System: Why My Arrest Was Too Easy

Guest Post by Melanie Christian, Manhattan leader & Faith Over Fear Civil Disobedience participant I was arrested on Thursday, March 16th during a protest in New York City regarding our unjust immigration system as part of the Faith Over Fear Week of Action & Resistance. The arrest was expected. I had signed up for it. Faith…

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Announcing Faith Over Fear

Guest Post by Fatima Mohamed, Bronx leader and Faith Over Fear Media & Messaging Team Member   “Faith over fear” sounds like – and is – one of the most cliched quotes. It can be found on countless Instagram pages, written across an aesthetically pleasing picture in order to incite some #deep emotions. (Images that appear…

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