Privacy Policy

Data Privacy & Protection Policy

Last Updated: August 24, 2024


Faith in New York (“We”, “Us”, “Our”, “FINY”) is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and safeguard your information when you interact with Us, whether through email, regular mail correspondence, telephone calls, or our website, (the “Service”). Your privacy is important to Us, and this policy also outlines your privacy rights and how the law protects you. By using the Service, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy.


This policy applies to all personal data collected, processed, and stored by [Nonprofit Organization] in connection with our activities, including data from donors, members, volunteers, employees, and other stakeholders. It also applies to all employees, contractors, and volunteers who have access to personal data.



Your privacy is important to Faith in New York. This notice explains our information collection policies and the use of information collected through e-mail, regular mail correspondence, and telephone calls. Faith in New York does not track visitors to its website nor do we place cookies on users’ browsers.

Our Communications

When an Individual/Congregation joins Faith in New York, renews their membership, or whenever any members’ staff registers for one of our events, we ask for their e-mail address (along with physical address, telephone, and other contact information) which are then entered into our database. All contact information is kept confidential and is not shared without permission. Our primary forms of communication are email, social platforms, and our website.

E-mail and Web

Faith in New York periodically contacts anyone who has subscribed to stay connected with the organization, and message frequency varies depending on events.

Occasionally, Faith in New York will send an e-mail notice to its subscribers on a matter that we deem important or timely that will not make it into our newsletter.

Faith in New York does not share, rent, or sell its contact list, or other mailing lists, with any individual or organization with the following exception:

Email Opt-In/Opt-Out

You can opt out of our listservs at any time by using the Safe/Unsubscribe link, found at the bottom of any e-mail. You can also notify us by e-mailing or call 718-426-6564.

Text Message Opt-Out

If you are receiving text messages from Faith in New York and wish to stop receiving them, simply respond with either “STOP” or “UNSUBSCRIBE” to the number from which you received the message. Once your message is received, you will no longer receive further text messages from the Organization. You can also notify us by e-mailing or call 718-426-6564.


From time to time, we may ask subscribers to participate in surveys. Participation is voluntary. We may ask for contact and/or demographic information to follow up on any survey questions. Survey information is shared publicly only in the aggregate; Faith in New York will not share individual organizations’ answers or contact information. On occasion, comments made in response to survey questions may be published anonymously. The information collected will be used to better serve our members.


Our website contains links to other websites. Please be aware that while we put these links up with good faith that the information provided on these sites will be helpful, we are not responsible for the privacy policy of these other sites.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

Faith in New York reserves the right to change this policy whenever deemed necessary and without prior notification. Should changes be made, they will be posted on this Privacy Notice with the date of revision.

How to Contact Us

Should you have questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please call us at 718-426-6564 or e-mail

Donor Privacy Policy

Faith in New York is committed to respecting the privacy of donors. We will not sell, share, or trade our donors’ names or personal information (including name, address, telephone number, email address, giving information, and events attended) with any other entity, nor send mailings to our donors on behalf of other organizations. Faith in New York donor information is shared with staff, board members, volunteers, and consultants only on a ‘need-to-know’ basis.

To the extent any donations are processed through a third-party service provider (EveryAction, Jotform, etc.), our donors’ information will only be used for purposes necessary to process the donation.

If you have any comments or questions about Faith in New York’s donor-privacy policy, please email or call 718-426-6564.