Support a Queens Family in Deportation Proceedings for Traffic Violation

Support a Queens Family in Deportation Proceedings for Traffic Violation At Faith in New York, we have been working to support a number of families who have been placed in deportation proceedings in the past year. One such family, the Qaiser family, lives in Astoria, Queens. With the support of Faith in New York, the…

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#FaithOverFear Fearless Leader Feature: Elizabeth Suggs, Throggs Neck Community Church

Faith Over Fear Fearless Leader Feature is a new blog series created by Fatima Mohamed, a leader with Faith in New York’s Faith Over Fear campaign and Writer with the Media, Messaging & Outreach Team. Stay tuned to our website every other week for a new profile of the leaders in the ground in NYC…

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#FaithOverFear Fearless Leader Feature: Claude Copeland Jr., New Day Church, The Bronx

Faith Over Fear Fearless Leader Feature is a new blog series created by Fatima Mohamed, a leader with Faith in New York’s Faith Over Fear campaign and Writer with the Media, Messaging & Outreach Team. Stay tuned to our website every week for a new profile of the leaders in the ground in NYC who…

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Our Unjust Immigration System: Why My Arrest Was Too Easy

Guest Post by Melanie Christian, Manhattan leader & Faith Over Fear Civil Disobedience participant I was arrested on Thursday, March 16th during a protest in New York City regarding our unjust immigration system as part of the Faith Over Fear Week of Action & Resistance. The arrest was expected. I had signed up for it. Faith…

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Announcing Faith Over Fear

Guest Post by Fatima Mohamed, Bronx leader and Faith Over Fear Media & Messaging Team Member   “Faith over fear” sounds like – and is – one of the most cliched quotes. It can be found on countless Instagram pages, written across an aesthetically pleasing picture in order to incite some #deep emotions. (Images that appear…

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Breaking Bread and Learning About Love

Guest post by Bernice Swinton, Economic Dignity Fellow at Faith in New York (FINY) There are about 15 different verses I can count on from various books in the Bible that speak about loving our neighbor(s). With this in mind, I’ve heard numerous sermons preached and have read about this topic, but the questions still…

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UN Working Group: The Impact of Mass Incarceration & Police Brutality on Black Women and Girls

UN WORKING GROUP OF EXPERTS ON PEOPLE OF AFRICAN DESCENT – SUBMISSION ON THE IMPACT OF MASS INCARCERATION & POLICE BRUTALITY ON BLACK WOMEN AND GIRLS   January 25, 2016 INTRODUCTION  Dear UN Working Group on Experts of People of African Descent:   I serve as the Executive Director of PICO-Faith in New York, a…

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