FINY Leadership Assembly

March 15, 2016 @ 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm America/New York Timezone
152 W 71st St
New York, NY 10023

Please join us for our Faith in New York Leadership Assembly! This gathering is an opportunity for all people of faith to come together with Faith in New York staff, steering commitee members, and lay leaders to learn about our biggest campaigns, the major issues that teams are working on, get training onn how to jointly respond to related decisions by elected officials, and learn about FINY’s theory of change in building a beloved city in 2016. It is also a celebration of all of the hard work that we all have been putting in on the issues that are facing our communities!

RSVPs are required to attend! Please email with the subject “2016 Leadership Assembly” and then your contact information (name, congregation, borough, email, phone number, and how you learned about FINY) in the body of the email.